Friday, August 5, 2011

On the First Day of the Journey

Left the fuel dock around 1 p.m. on Thursday, August 4, with the comment of "man, this boat is loaded". Huh, how did that happen?! No wind, no waves = motoring. Finally a start. As with all starts, we had to stop and start again. We travelled 32 miles the first day! Around 5 p.m. we noticed the engine appeared to be overheating. Luck would have it that we were close to the Muskegon pierhead and decision was to scoot into Torresons for diagnostics. Mark talked them into looking at it right away and fortunately, it ended up being a bad sending unit. Like all repairs, a $100 later we are on the road again!

Tonight we are in Ludington. After finally getting started on this cruise we are feeling rather exhausted so are not pushing the way we originally planned.

Chester the Dog has been a dream. He has a strong, big bladder because he has no intentions of going anywhere but on land! This will continue to be a challenge for all.

OH and if you want to leave a comment, go into Followers and sign in. Cheers!

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