Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Beaver Is to Mackinaw Island

Headed out early for Mac....winds were upper teens to 20s and waves very choppy from the wrong direction. Let out a small amount of headsail only and ran sevens...very uncomfortably. Had to motor thru Grays Reef because we were dead downwind. Turned the corner into the straits and sailed again. Then a warning came across the GPS...storms, high wind, possible hail, the whole shot. Lu and Chester went down below to hide and sleep. As it came in I rolled in the jib,started the motor and donned foul weather gear. Storms came and went all the way to Mac. Motor sailed again until wind died.
We got a slip at the island...Lu talked about a shower and kissing the ground.
Forecast for today, Wed, is 30 kts of wind and 7 ft waves....we stayed put!
Tomorrow we head south on Lake Huron

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