Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dunkirk, New York

Decided to make some miles before the winds of Hurricane Irene and it's just time to get to Buffalo and begin the Erie Canal. Our next port will be Buffalo NY! It's an unspoken thing but we both feel that getting to Buffalo is where the trip begins! Just have to get to Buffalo.

Most of the ports on Lakes Huron & Erie that we've harbored in are suffering from the economy. It is very sad to see car dealerships, industry, mom & pop stores empty and for sale. The impact on the smaller communities has been huge. Dunkirk is one of these cities.

So....we motored into the harbor, found where we were to dock and saw this man slowly wandering down the dock to help us. Oh my, thought we're part of Deliverance! If banjos started playing this boat would have been in reverse faster than fleas on a dog. The office is beyond dirty but we got a head key! Had to peek in, just had to....remarkably clean.

Time to put another line on the boat as winds are kicking up. Tomorrow's forecast is such that we will sit tomorrow and possibly Monday.

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