Monday, September 12, 2011

Thoughts about Fellow Cruisers

We had a home to come home to. We met fellow cruisers who had sold their homes and cars to move aboard their boat for their adventure. They too were headed for the Erie Canal, now closed due to flooded and broken locks. Tonight we think about them as they have thought about us. For each of us, our excitement of the cruise was dashed by this turn of events. None of us gave up! One re-routed from the Erie Canal to go south through Chicago. One trucked their boat. One is waiting for the okay to truck their sailboat to the East coast. Due to the flooding in NY and PA, trucking permits are not being issued. They sit in Tonawanda NY waiting. It's a nice place to be but waiting for weeks is tough. Great people we met along our short journey! We think of them, wish them the best and look forward to meeting up with them again somewhere on the cruise next year.

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