Sunday, September 4, 2011

Like pulling a bandaid off slowly

We still believe that leaving Journey here on the hard is the best decision. We can come back in the spring and have lots of time to explore the Erie Canal and the east coast, provided no new hurricanes come. There are always options and we will choose the best when the time comes

On to lighter news...learned something new here. We asked many people if there was wifi available by the boat. We got many answers like: whats wifi? or the best one---I think we have FYI over there! We finally found wifi..sorry, FYI at McDonalds.

Along the wall in Tonawanda where we are tied up, is the local hangout. Except for canalers like us, it is all small powerboats.Most are the really loud go-fasters. The bars are open til 4am in North Tonawanda and 3am in Tonawanda so it becomes quite loud in the middle of the night. Or at 20 bucks many stay. One bar directly across from us even has a live band. Starts at 10 oclock.

We are making the best of things and starting to pack up. Trying to determine what we need for the winter and also what food has to go.

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