Friday, September 2, 2011


Tonawanda is the beginning of the Erie Canal. We have covered almost a quarter mile. This town is a great place to stop. There are tie ups all along the walls on both sides with electric and water, showers and restrooms. And the best part....$25 per night.

As everyone is aware of, Hurricane Irene has done quite a number to the northeast. Although we did not see any of it, the east end of the Erie Canal and the Hudson River are a mess. The damage is unbelievable. Now listen well....THE ERIE CANAL IS CLOSED....probably for the rest of the season. So our options are to : turn around and exit at Chicago to the Tomm-Tenn....
We could go out the St Laurence around Newfoundland....Have the boat trucked to the Chesapeake..... OR have it hauled and stored in Buffalo and continue next year.
We have contacted the marina that unstepped the masts and have arranged to leave Journey there. A hard decision!!!!!

More to come.

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