Saturday, August 13, 2011

Port Austin on Lake Huron

Okay so its been a few days and time to catch up the blog. We left Mac Island Thursday a.m. for Presque Isle and motorsailed part of the way. Presque Isle is a very small, quiet marina with an on-site restaurant and busy boat launch.
Friday a.m. we headed to Harrisville with winds on the nose and lots of chop. Quite an uncomfortable ride by all with rain on & off all the way. Shared the bumpy waters with several freighters which is always a treat. However watching Chester slide around on the cockpit floor when he refuses to sit, not such a treat but he is such a good dog! The town is about 1 block long with an IGA store, restaurant, ice cream station, etc.
Saturday a.m. after discussion and watching all the storm/rain cells on the GPS weather, we take off for Port Austin. Every storm cell went around us! And where was the wind? Do I really need to answer this? On-the-nose. Putting up the sails, cutting the will happen one of these fine days.
We are truly blessed with God's protection and each other.

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