Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hot in Newark NY

Praise the Lord for air conditioning - whew it is hot.  We see that back home in Michigan it is hot also with a cooling front coming for tomorrow.  It will be Friday before it gets here and we will welcome her.  The boat is cooled down nicely throughout the night with the a/c running that we decided to stay right here in Newark NY today where Mark could look into the transmission leak.  Walking around the town last evening we found a Napa store and well, the handwriting was on the wall.  This is the second time in a week a Napa store has been close when needed!   It took over 2 hours from pull apart, walk to Napa, put back together and the leak is fixed.  Blessed & grateful Mark has the knowledge & ability to fix most anything.  
Tomorrow we head for Lyons NY which is not that far but there are 3 locks we'll go through.  The lift bridges are done and only locks remain for us along the Canal.  Our mail should be waiting for us in Lyons.  By our chartbook it looks like we will see more historical things i.e. old locks and old canal.   Even though there are accommodations to tie up and explore, the water depth we need for the boat is not always enough.

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