Thursday, August 30, 2012

New York Harbor Aug 26

7:00am   We are on our way again down the Hudson...past the Intrepid and Enterprise. A lot of docks,etc...The good news is it is Sunday. Quiet! As we motor out into the upper bay, there is Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. Although I felt like they should be right in the middle of the river, they are quite a sight.
We just could not imagine all the history. Impressive --- not to be forgotten.
Statue of Liberty

Ellis Island

Statue of Liberty

Verrazano-Narrows Bridge
 We continued on through the upper bay, under the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge into the lower bay. Ah yes, a 3-4 ft chop with winds on the nose. Reminds me of Lk Mi. Decided to go across to Atlantic Highlands, NJ, for a good starting point south. There is a sprit of land that runs north on the coast of NJ called Sandy Hook. Atlantic Highlands is on the inside of that.

As we tried numerous times to call two different marinas, decided to be bold and just show up. The Atlantic Highlands Municipal and the A.H. Yacht Club are in a man made protected area behind a stone wall. When we tried to call, no answer. VHF, no answer. Lu yelling to the fuel dock-ACTION. A 1000 boat marina with slip, launch, haul out, storage, etc. Like I said...municipal!  Had to be 6 acres of blacktop. BUT they had a shuttle so we went to the grocery store and stocked up on liquids.

Our next stop will be Atlantic City. We are spoiled on the Great Lakes with all the inlets  and towns close together and deep water. As this will be a 80+ mile run, just the right weather window would be nice. It appears Tue. pm departure with arrival Wed. am will be it. Forecast is for NW winds 5-10, maybe 10-15mph. just right. This will be Chesters first overnighter.

Manhattan..Aug 23

Another river trip down the Hudson. Went to 79th st Boat Basin in Manhattan right on Broadway. The dockmaster says plenty of water and room for us. One of the plusses of this location is access to the subway. The next day we take the subway down to Times Square. Now this is the same morning of the shooting outside the Empire State Bldg. Two blocks away and a different world. Extremely busy with lots of lights, electronics (huge flat screens), glitz and glamour. Walked alot,stopped for coffee and a bagel, and agreed it was time to head back.
Yonkers waterfront

Geo Washington Bridge

Is this from Ghost Busters???
Times Square

Times Square

All along this stretch is Riverside Park. A few miles of highly used ball fields, cafes, and a very busy bike/walk path. Bikers fly, runners sweat and we walked. Watch out.

The thing about the Hudson River.....first there is a normal flow. But there is also the tide and current which can flow 2-3 knots. Remember the tide/currents goes in and out twice a day. Add LOTS of wakes from everything fromm small powerboats to ferries to tugs and freighters.....and you have a washing machine effect. Even protected is uncomfortable. We go to leave mid-morning and the tide was going out fast. Remember the "plenty fo water". Too shallow behind us to get out. The people beside us, from the Netherlands, had their keel up...4.5 ft, and also got stuck. So what to do? Wait out high tide. We got them off in the pm and they left. We decided with out destination distance we would wait til the next am...early. So by 7am we were on our way.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Aug 21-23

Sometimes we must just stop and catch up on things. Half Moon Bay marina is at Haverstraw Bay which is only maybe thirty miles above New York City. Our air conditioning has been a problem for a while. The water pump, which is an intregal part, has worked on and off. So with great  anticipation, we began the search for a new pump. With none available local, we found one on-line at a great discount. The harbor master at Half Moon allowed us to have it sent to his home address....great guy. Why is it that installations are always in the worst conditions....HOT.  So after installing the pump it worked great. Yeah. Cool!!!!
The one interesting thing about Half Moon...the marina is in front of a condo complex. Sound familiar? But this condo has a steadfast rule...NO Dogs on the property. This would be like Anchorage having no dogs except on the outside docks. The people on the inside docks have to either carry their dogs OR transport them in a dockcart to the outside. Imagine Chester in a cart! Imagine us pushing Chester in a cart, every time?!  We opted for an outside dock.
On to N Y City.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Catskill and West Point

After saying goodbye to Catskill Creek, it was with heavy heart that we moved on (great place to be).  Heading south on the Hudson River with the destination of Newburgh's Riverfront Marina.  The trip was motoring, of course, and uneventful.  Closing in on Poughkeepsie NY we began to see 'old money'    with the housing and landscaping above the river.  Beautifully done.
Hop-o-nose marina, Catskill Creek

Arriving at Newburgh we tied up at the marina.  The riverfront is all restaurants and bars and tastefully done.  However, beyond this gated area we found Newburgh to be in need of help financially, in appearance and personality.  Even the U.S. Postal service in Newburgh didn't understand what a general delivery was and sent our mail back on the same day it arrived (after confirming 5 days earlier they would accept it) and our visits while there.  Disappointed in them!

So, why did we stay in Newburgh?  West Point, of course!  Rented a car, with great Newburgh style difficulty, and drove the 20 miles to Highland Falls NY to tour West Point.   Very, very interesting.  The history back to George Washington was amazing.  In the late 1800's they saw the value of team sports in building leadership skills so there are numerous fields, pools, golf courses, tennis courts, etc etc the list goes on - and not just one of each but several.   West Point is thousands of acres and we only saw a minimal amount in our 2 hour tour.  Part of the tour took us to the Parade Field where you guessed it....they have their parades.  Five students were getting into a helicopter with their parachuting gear for practice.  A big red X marked the spot on the field as their target.  All five came within 10 feet of that target with one hitting the spot.   We got a little extra for our money that day!  The cemetery, the gravesites, the generals, the churches & chapels, the architecture - we'd highly, highly recommend the tour.  And one last tidbit:  did you know Edgar Alan Poe was a student there and really did NOT want to be?  He tried all sorts of stuff to get kicked out.  It finally happened when he reported one day totally nude with the exception of his bullet belt.  He left that day.    To be a student at West Pt is quite an honor.  This past year they received 15,000 applications and accepted 1,100 students.  20% of these students will not make it past the first 6 weeks.  After completion of 4 years which is at no cost to them, they commit to 5-8 years of military service.   Tour West Point.


Memorial to all US military

Gen Westmoreland

Unique grave stone

General Custer

One original grave marker


overlooking small section

in museum

main football stadium

Protestant church

We leave the rock & roll and thudding of Newburgh headed to Half Moon Bay Marina at Croton-on-Hudson, NY (Haverstraw Bay).

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Begin Again

Starting once again....!  Rented a car this morning and 13 hours later we are back on Journey in Catskill, NY.  All is well.  Most likely leave Thursday a.m. heading south on the Hudson with the anticipated stop of touring West Point.  Doesn't that sound like a good time?!  We are excited.  Tomorrow (Wed.) is returning the car, getting fresh foods and allowing our fannies to recuperate from the long ride.